Tonight was XC's championship meet! It was awesome fun. We ran with glow sticks that had our team colors, and the course was lined with glow sticks to show us the way. It was epic.
The only problem was that you couldn't see when there were divots and hills until it was happening. I totally biffed it hard and slid on my stomach. A girl had to hurdle over me. It was hilarious. Or at least I tried to tell myself it was at the time.
See you can sort of see the specks of glow-stick-light =)
I think I blinded them with the flash haha... poor kids. Sorry for the low quality pictures... it was all I had since I was sort of distracted by running =)
Oh! But how I did. The course was actually 3.4 miles instead of 3.1, So accounting for the different distance i probably got about my PR time that I haven't gotten since high school! Woot!!